What’s Causing My Teeth To Turn Brown?

Brown teeth can be frustrating, for sure, especially when you feel like you take good care of your teeth. Knowing the cause of the stains on your tooth enamel can help you take care of your teeth. Yourdentist in Jacksonville, NC, can help you determine this cause and take action to restore your teeth to bright, beautiful white enamel. Here’s what to know about restoring the color of your teeth.

What Causes Brown Tooth Enamel?
Many things can cause brown tooth enamel:

Use of tobacco products. From chewing tobacco to smoking cigarettes, tobacco products can easily stain your teeth. While you can take steps to try whitening your teeth stained by tobacco, if you continue to use tobacco products, then your teeth will eventually return to their brown color.
Poor oral hygiene. Unfortunately, if you have poor oral hygiene habits, you’re likely to struggle with brown stains on your teeth. Cleaning your teeth regularly by brushing twice daily and seeing the dentist twice yearly is important to help minimize stains on your tooth enamel.
Consumption of certain foods and drinks. Brown foods like gravy and sauce and brown drinks like coffee, tea, and soda can all contribute to brown tooth enamel.
If you’re not sure what might be the cause of your problem, talk to your dentist.

What Can You Do About Brown Tooth Enamel?
If you struggle with brown or yellowish tooth enamel, one way to correct the problem is to get yourteeth professionally whitened in Jacksonville, NC. Call your dentist at A Beautiful Smile, The Office of Dr. Gina Mancini, today to make an appointment and learn more about teeth whitening.

What You Should Never Do If You Knock Out a Tooth

You knocked out one of your teeth—now what? Your first instinct might be to grab your tooth, submerge it in water, and head to youremergency dentist in Jacksonville, NC. But wait! That’s the last thing you should do. Here’s why and what you should do instead.

If you knock out a tooth, you should first try to put it back into its socket. Make sure that you only handle your tooth by its crown. You don’t want to damage the roots. Then, you will need to get to the emergency dentist immediately. If your tooth can’t be put back into its socket, the next best thing is to put it into some milk. Never put it in water!

Why You Should Never Put a Knocked-Out Tooth in Water

Putting a knocked-out tooth in water could cause your tooth’s roots to burst. And it will kill the tooth’s cells within minutes. Milk has sugars, enzymes, antibacterial agents, and proteins that will maintain the right balance of acids. These will help protect your tooth.

How Long Can a Knocked-Out Tooth Survive?

The longer your tooth is out of its socket, the less likely it is to be saved. However, if you put your tooth in milk within five minutes of being knocked out, the roots of your tooth can survive for about 30-60 minutes. That’s why it’s so important that you get to yourdentist in Jacksonville, NC immediately after knocking out a tooth.

Do You Need an Emergency Dentist in Jacksonville, NC?

Time is of the essence when you have a knocked-out tooth. If you have a dental emergency, like a knocked-out tooth,Contact ABS Family & Cosmetic Dentistry immediately! Put your tooth in milk (not water) and get to us right away. If you wait too long, we might not be able to save your tooth.

Differences Between a Cold Sore and a Cancerous Lesion

One confusing area of oral health is understanding the differences between a cold sore and a cancerous lesion. If you notice a lesion on the soft tissue of the inside or outside of your mouth, be sure to get an oral cancer screening in Jacksonville, NC. Early detection of oral cancer significantly increases the chances of successful treatment, and you should never assume that a lesion is harmless.

What is a Cold Sore?

A cold sore is often referred to as a fever blister. This is because they often appear when immunity is low, such as when you have a cold or are undergoing a stressful time. Cold sores typically occur on or around the lips. They eventually burst and crust over but can last up to two weeks or sometimes a little longer. Although cold sores are highly contagious, they aren’t fatal, like oral cancer can be.

What is a Cancerous Lesion?

A cancerous lesion may appear anywhere in the mouth, like the palate, throat, tongue, cheeks, etc. Cancerous lesions aren’t necessarily associated with colds or stressful situations; they can happen anytime. They won’t go away in two weeks, either. Instead, they worsen, grow and become more dangerous the longer they go undetected.

Cancerous oral lesions often look like white, red, or “angry” patches of tissue and may bleed or swell. They’re sometimes hard or rough, but not always. The longer they persist, the more severe the symptoms may become, causing a sore throat, discomfort in chewing, jaw pain, and more.

If you notice a lesion in your mouth or on your lips, please don’t try to diagnose it yourself. Early detection of oral cancer is essential for the best possible treatment outcome. Contact your dentist in Jacksonville, NC, for an oral cancer screening appointment.